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The frequent occurrence of security incidents in ride-sharing is a challenge for the survival of IT-enabled ride-sharing platforms. Passengers’ protective behavior is an effective means to alleviate this issue, with benefits to both the passengers and the platforms. This study explores the mechanisms of passengers’ protective behavior in the ride-sharing context by combining protection motivation theory (PMT) and usage situation theory. We test our hypotheses using data (n = 346) collected from a field survey based on a real scenario. The findings reveal that PMT and usage situation theory work well to explain passengers’ protective behavior during ride-sharing. This study explains the motivation behind passengers’ protective behavior in the ride-sharing context, extends the contents of PMT by exploring its antecedents, and extends the contents of usage situation theory by introducing a new dimension. Our findings can help ride-sharing platforms take appropriate strategies to improve passengers’ protective behavior.  相似文献   
重大体育赛事的举办在一定程度上能推动承办城市转型发展,但也可能对当地经济产生某种不良影响,这主要源于对重大体育赛事与城市经济发展的内在规律和作用机制认识不够清晰。以2000-2017年22项具有全国影响力的重大体育赛事为基础,利用中国70个大中城市面板数据,采用双重差分法,分析重大体育赛事对城市经济发展的影响。发现:全样本数据下重大体育赛事的举办会促进城市第一产业向第二、第三产业发展;对比国内和国际赛事,重大体育赛事对第三产业的促进作用均显著高于第二产业;以1 085家上市公司数据为样本,采用事件研究法进行分析,发现不同行业利用重大体育赛事的窗口期存在显著差异。  相似文献   
Science has greatly contributed to the advancement of technology and to the innovation of production processes and their applications. Cleaning products have become indispensable in today’s world, as personal and environmental hygiene is important to all societies worldwide. Such products are used in the home, in most work environments and in the industrial sectors. Most of the detergents on the market are synthesised from petrochemical products. However, the interest in reducing the use of products harmful to human health and the environment has led to the search for detergents formulated with natural, biodegradable surfactant components of biological (plant or microbiological) origin or chemically synthesised from natural raw materials usually referred to as green surfactants. This review addresses the different types, properties, and uses of surfactants, with a focus on green surfactants, and describes the current scenario as well as the projections for the future market economy related to the production of the different types of green surfactants marketed in the world.How to cite: Farias CBB, Almeida FCG, Silva IA, et al. Production of green surfactants: Market prospects. Electron J Biotechnol 2021;51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejbt.2021.02.002  相似文献   
加快体育强国建设已成为一项国策,研究如何提高和建设可持续发展性的体育产业经济以解决人民日益增长的美好体育生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾对建设体育强国具有重要意义。采用哲学辩证理论分析体育产业经济对体育强国构建的重要性,统计分析目前我国体育产业经济发展现状及其与发达国家的差距,结合十九大新时代背景下给出未来体育产业经济发展策略以期寻求为构建体育强国给出一些指导意见。认为:体育经济是体育强国的重要基石;开展全民健身运动、优化体育产业结构、政府政策导向市场化、跨产业融合增加与其他产业的结合度对构建体育强国具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
William James (1919) characterises hypotheses as either live or dead. A hypothesis is live when it is taken into account as a ‘real possibility’. We follow James’ suggestion to not attribute intrinsic properties to hypotheses, but rather investigate how they came into being and look at the effects they generate. Expectations of digital technologies are a topic of vivid debate in the insurance industry. Before these expectations can become ‘live’, they have, in the first place, to be generated by market devices. We investigate how the reinsurance blogpost platform Open Minds functions as an ‘expectation generation device’ on the future of insurance markets. Combining Beckert’s work on the role of fictional expectations with the pragmatist turn in sociology of markets, we propose to study ‘expectation generation devices’, provoking expectations on economic markets. In our empirical analysis, we demonstrate the explicit fictional character of the Open Minds contributions, and analyse how a contained space of openness is generated to provoke expectations. We demonstrate how Open Minds can become live through circulation to other expectation generation sites in the insurance industry and beyond. We conclude by reflecting on the importance of expectation generation devices as a particular type of market devices.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel approach for understanding money users’ relation to monetary governance institutions. It first describes the stakes involved in monetary governance from a neo-chartalist/MMT perspective. In a second step, it discusses existing contributions on the relation between money issuer and money users, highlighting the literatures on central bank legitimacy and the social construction of money. It argues that neither allows for an analysis of the relation between monetary institutions and money users that takes the latter’s knowledge seriously. It then argues that the concept of moral economy can enrich scholarly analysis. Moral economies of money are defined as collective practices in which money users articulate demands as part of an understanding of money as a public good. Finally, the paper deploys the moral economy of money perspective to reconstruct the changing relation between institutions of monetary governance and money users since the Great Depression in the U.S. It shows how New Dealers silenced a moral economy of money, discusses fragmented moral economies after World War II, and the partial reemergence of such moral economies after the Great Financial Crisis. The paper concludes by discussing political implications and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   
在新时代体育产业发展进程中,我国体育产业结构性失衡问题显得尤为突出,而推进体育产业供给侧结构性改革对破解体育产业结构性失衡具有现实意义。采用供给经济学、产业经济学等相关理论,剖析我国体育产业结构性失衡的表现形式,解构我国体育产业结构性失衡的形成原因,探寻我国体育产业结构性失衡的供给侧破解路径。研究表明:1)我国体育产业结构性失衡表现在:体育产业的产值结构、就业结构、供给结构等方面。2)体育产业结构性失衡的形成原因有:经济体制决定体育产业结构、体育发展战略固化体育产业结构、大众需求结构钢化体育产业结构。3)体育产业结构性失衡的供给侧破解路径为:明晰政府与市场边界,发挥市场在体育资源配置中的决定性作用;完善体育产业结构政策,发挥体育产业在体育发展战略中的作用;推进体育供需平衡,发挥体育产业在促进体育消费中的作用。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,从非均衡国家治理角度对我国职业足球改革面临的困境进行研究。通过梳理相关文献提出,当前国家治理模式具有非均衡性,存在各主体参与失范、治理权责分配失衡的问题,市场、社会、个人主体话语权较弱、参与性不足,形成了较强的政府依赖路径。对职业足球改革各主体之间的关系进行阐述,认为政府和足协是改革话语权的掌握者和资源的分配者,其他主体参与改革作用较小。指出,尚未明确职业足球的发展动机、足协组织能力与管理效能不足、各主体缺乏有效联系与合作是非均衡国家治理模式的具体表现;政府的非市场手段治理、市场失灵与第三部门失灵、个体意识与自我治理不足是其深层次原因。在此基础上提出相应的发展对策。  相似文献   
在校大学生作为消费日趋独立,个体意志日益成熟,对新事物新形态接受能力较强的体育消费群体,是现在和未来支撑体育消费市场的重要群体,具有一定的代表性和前瞻性。通过对安徽省全日制本科院校在校大学生体育消费水平、体育消费支出比重、体育消费方式及体育消费满意度等现状进行调查分析,有助于对经济新常态背景下安徽省体育消费市场现状进行分析并提供有效的发展建议。本文通过问卷调查,对数据整理分析,结合安徽省体育消费市场现状,提出应提高消费水平、优化消费结构、加快互联网经济建设等建议。  相似文献   
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